Favicon.ico Creation for Website

Given below the steps which should be followed to create and update favicon.ico for a site:

1. Make a graphic (just a simple one) in your graphic's editor. and Save the graphic as .gif or .bmp file on your hard drive,

The format used must be:

* 16 colours in the palette
* 16x16 pixels in size

2. Now Convert your .bmp or .gif file in favicon.co.uk to the .ico file extension.

3. Save the .ico file in the Directory where the page present.

4. Enter the given below code in your index.htm file.

5. Enter given below code in between your Head tag.
favicon Code6. Now Save the page and upload favicon.ico image and index.html file.

7. Your favicon may not appear immediately after you've completed the above two steps. It may take few days, and in IE, sometimes the favicon will disappear from time to time due to a browser bug.

8. If you want favicon in every page then you should add given code in every page.

Adding image information in google Sitemap

Images play a vital role in every site. Images are also a good resource to generate traffic. a Good news for SEO/SEM world.... now you can use Sitemap to provide information about your site images to Google .

Given below the code to add your site images information to sitemap:

Adding Images in SitemapThe following example shows a Sitemap entry for the URL http://www.abc.com/xyz.html, which contains two images.

Image information addition to Google Sitemap
You can list up to 1,000 images for each page.

Image Tag Definitions which we can use with Google Sitemap entry:

Image tag Definitions to add image in Google Sitemap

Video Optimization & Online Video Marketing Tips

Video Optimization & Online Video Marketing:

1. Create videos related to your brands or the services, which you offer.

2. Place proper content. You need to attract visitor for your video with content; else they would not go in for it.

3. Preferred video formats like .mov, .avi, .wmv. This can help the users to have the videos in the formats that they want.

4. Place proper metadata in video, because your video will come on search through these keywords.

5. Write a catchy title with the keyword that you would like to use for the video.

6. If you have many videos then use thumbnails for it, which will enable your viewers to view the video of their choice.

7. Video should not be more then 10min long. Longer video, might bore your viewers. If your video is long then adding it as part 1, part 2 and so on.

8. Place your company or site url as a watermark on your video that indicates the origin of the content. It will helpful to spread your brand or site if your video is copied by other user or sites.

9. Give an option for your visitors to rate their videos because search engine like it and also it will increase the curiosity on visitors.

10. Use proper keywords in the link text.

11. Have “send to friend” option. Benefit them and also get benefited.

12. Use proper Keywords in the filename and URLs. Don’t use stop words in the filenames, like "the", "and" etc.

13. Publish your video in many places. It will give good exposure to your video. Also use RSS and MRSS feeds.

14. Do social book marking of your video so that you video get more exposure.

15. Give permission to your visitors also, to have your video fixed in other sites. Your valuable visitors can help you to spread your video in other site’s also.